
08 9276 9888


08 6164 7690

For most people the lower teeth sit a little behind their upper teeth. If some of your upper teeth sit behind your lower teeth then that’s a crossbite.

There are different classifications of crossbite depending on which teeth are in the wrong position:

  • Posterior Crossbite – back upper teeth are sitting behind the lower teeth
  • Anterior Crossbite – front upper teeth are sitting behind the lower teeth
  • Bilateral Crossbite – upper teeth on both sides are sitting behind the lower teeth
  • Unilateral Crossbite – upper teeth on only one site are sitting behind the lower teeth

If your teeth stick out then that’s called an overjet, protrusion, or a horizontal overbite; if they overlap the bottom teeth too much then that’s called a deep bite or a vertical overbite; and some people can have both.

Why do I have a crossbite?

Usually this is an inherited condition where the jaw grows in the wrong shape or position, but it can also be caused by overcrowded teeth, excessive thumb sucking, cleft lip/palate or other issues.

How do you correct a crossbite?

Children and Adolescents

If this is picked up early then braces may be all that’s needed to guide the teeth into the correct position as they develop. For a posterior crossbite a palate expanded may be required.


Often discreet solutions such as clear aligners or braces can correct a crossbite, with surgery required for the more severe cases.

What now?

One of the main problems associated with a crossbite is that because the upper and lower teeth don’t close together comfortably, you may automatically compensate for this by moving your jaw in an unnatural way. This in turn can lead to jaw pain, headaches, and in some cases uneven jaw development which can cause facial disfiguration.

Early intervention is the best course, so if you notice your child has issues chewing, talking, or even how they hold their jaw please come along for a no obligation consultation.

For adults the same applies, the earlier we can help the less likely you are to experience complications down the track. With a wide range of discreet solutions available there’s nothing standing between you and the smile you deserve.

Call to arrange your obligation free assessment


25 Wellington Rd.

Morley, WA 6062

08 9276 9888


Suite E, 116 Dempster St.

Esperance, WA 6450

08 6164 7690