
08 9276 9888


08 6164 7690

We’re sure that you already understand the importance of looking after your teeth, with regular brushing and flossing, and when you start your orthodontic treatment it’s even more important.

If your teeth aren’t clean then plaque can build up – a layer that can contain harmful bacteria which turns the sugars from your food and drink to acid eroding your teeth and causing gum disease.

Keeping your teeth clean when you’re wearing braces or aligners is a bit more difficult, so these are the three key steps that you should follow:

1. Watch your diet

Sugary food and drink feeds harmful bacteria, and if it’s sticky then it means that it’s more likely to hang around. This is much more of an issue if you’re wearing braces or something similar like a palate expander.

Sweets and lollies are best avoided as well as sugary drinks and desserts.

Very hard foods like nuts or crusty bread, and chewy foods that can get stuck in your braces can damage them.

If you’re using a removable aligner it can make life a bit simpler, as you can take this out when you eat; it’s very important to thoroughly clean your teeth after every meal as otherwise tiny food particles that would be washed away by your saliva and tongue are held against your teeth and gums allowing the bacteria to develop.

2. Regular Cleaning

Depending on the type of appliance you’re wearing, there are special brushes that may help you to thoroughly clean your teeth and braces.

Electric toothbrushes can be used, but check with your orthodontist as to the type of head that you should be using.

It’s also really important to floss daily when you’re having treatment, and again there are special types of floss that we can recommend.

3. Keep visiting your dentist

While we’re keeping an eye on improving the alignment of your teeth, you still need to visit your family dentist so that they can keep an eye on your tooth and gum health.
As oral hygiene is particularly important whilst you’re undergoing treatment, you may find it helpful to have your dentist periodically clean your teeth using their special equipment.

Call to arrange your obligation free assessment


25 Wellington Rd.

Morley, WA 6062

08 9276 9888


Suite E, 116 Dempster St.

Esperance, WA 6450

08 6164 7690